volume manager raid À籸¼º.(mirror->raid5)
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ °ü¸®ÀÚ ÀÛ¼º½Ã°£ 2003-12-14 00:15:08

1. ±âÁ¸ º¼·ý

Enter disk device or "all" [<address>,all,q,?] (default: all)

DEVICE      DISK        GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0      -            -            error
c0t0d0      c0t0d0s3    rootdg      online
c0t1d0      -            -            error
c2t64d0      datadg01    datadg      online
c2t65d0      datadg02    datadg      online
c2t66d0      datadg03    datadg      online
c2t67d0      datadg04    datadg      online
c2t68d0      datadg05    datadg      online
c2t69d0      datadg06    datadg      online
c2t70d0      datadg07    datadg      online
c2t80d0      datadg08    datadg      online
c2t81d0      datadg09    datadg      online
c2t82d0      datadg10    datadg      online
c2t83d0      datadg11    datadg      online
c2t84d0      datadg12    datadg      online
c2t85d0      datadg13    datadg      online
c2t86d0      datadg14    datadg      online
c3t0d0      -            -            error

Device to list in detail [<address>,none,q,?] (default: none)

2. ±âÁ¸ º¼·ý Á¦°Å (Mirroring --> 233GB)
  . volume stop -> umount
  . disk group deport.

3. New volume ±¸¼º (raid 5)

Add or initialize disks
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/AddDisks

  Use this operation to add one or more disks to a disk group.  You can
  add the selected disks to an existing disk group or to a new disk group
  that will be created as a part of the operation. The selected disks may
  also be added to a disk group as spares. The selected disks may also
  be initialized without adding them to a disk group leaving the disks
  available for use as replacement disks.

  More than one disk or pattern may be entered at the prompt.  Here are
  some disk selection examples:

  all:          all disks
  c3 c4t2:      all disks on both controller 3 and controller 4, target 2
  c3t4d2:      a single disk

Select disk devices to add: [<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?] list

DEVICE      DISK        GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0      -            -            error
c0t0d0      c0t0d0s3    rootdg      online
c0t1d0      -            -            error
c2t64d0      -            -            online
c2t65d0      -            -            online
c2t66d0      -            -            online
c2t67d0      -            -            online
c2t68d0      -            -            online
c2t69d0      -            -            online
c2t70d0      -            -            online
c2t80d0      -            -            online
c2t81d0      -            -            online
c2t82d0      -            -            online
c2t83d0      -            -            online
c2t84d0      -            -            online
c2t85d0      -            -            online
c2t86d0      -            -            online
c3t0d0      -            -            error

Select disk devices to add: [<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?] c2t64d0 c2t65d0 c2t66d0
c2t67d0 c2t68d0 c2t69d0 c2t70d0 c2t80d0 c2t81d0 c2t82d0 c2t83d0 c2t84d0 c2t85d0 c2t86d0

  Here are the disks selected.  Output format: [Device_Name]

  c2t64d0 c2t65d0 c2t66d0 c2t67d0 c2t68d0 c2t69d0 c2t70d0 c2t80d0
  c2t81d0 c2t82d0 c2t83d0 c2t84d0 c2t85d0 c2t86d0

Continue operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

  You can choose to add these disks to an existing disk group, a
  new disk group, or you can leave these disks available for use
  by future add or replacement operations.  To create a new disk
  group, select a disk group name that does not yet exist.  To
  leave the disks available for future use, specify a disk group
  name of "none".

Which disk group [<group>,none,list,q,?] (default: rootdg) raid5dg

  There is no active disk group named raid5dg.

Create a new group named raid5dg? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

Use default disk names for these disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

Add disks as spare disks for raid5dg? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)

  A new disk group will be created named raid5dg and the selected disks
  will be added to the disk group with default disk names.

  c2t64d0 c2t65d0 c2t66d0 c2t67d0 c2t68d0 c2t69d0 c2t70d0 c2t80d0
  c2t81d0 c2t82d0 c2t83d0 c2t84d0 c2t85d0 c2t86d0

Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

  These disks are listed as added to a disk group.  The disk group is
  not currently enabled (imported).  You may wish to import the disk
  group.  If so, quit from this operation and select "Enable access
  to (import) a disk group" from the main disk operations menu.
  Output format: [Device_Name,Disk_Access_Name,Disk_Group]

  [c2t64d0,c2t64d0s2,datadg] [c2t65d0,c2t65d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t66d0,c2t66d0s2,datadg] [c2t67d0,c2t67d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t68d0,c2t68d0s2,datadg] [c2t69d0,c2t69d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t70d0,c2t70d0s2,datadg] [c2t80d0,c2t80d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t81d0,c2t81d0s2,datadg] [c2t82d0,c2t82d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t83d0,c2t83d0s2,datadg] [c2t84d0,c2t84d0s2,datadg]
  [c2t85d0,c2t85d0s2,datadg] [c2t86d0,c2t86d0s2,datadg]

Use these devices? [Y,N,S(elect),q,?] (default: Y)

  The following disks you selected for use appear to already have
  been initialized for the Volume Manager.  If you are certain the
  disks already have been initialized for the Volume Manager, then
  you do not need to reinitialize these disk devices.
  Output format: [Device_Name]

  c2t64d0 c2t65d0 c2t66d0 c2t67d0 c2t68d0 c2t69d0 c2t70d0 c2t80d0
  c2t81d0 c2t82d0 c2t83d0 c2t84d0 c2t85d0 c2t86d0

Reinitialize these devices? [Y,N,S(elect),q,?] (default: Y)

  Initializing device c2t64d0.

  Initializing device c2t65d0.

  Initializing device c2t66d0.

  Initializing device c2t67d0.

  Initializing device c2t68d0.

  Initializing device c2t69d0.

  Initializing device c2t70d0.

  Initializing device c2t80d0.

  Initializing device c2t81d0.

  Initializing device c2t82d0.

  Initializing device c2t83d0.

  Initializing device c2t84d0.

  Initializing device c2t85d0.

  Initializing device c2t86d0.

  Creating a new disk group named raid5dg containing the disk
  device c2t64d0 with the name raid5dg01.

  Adding disk device c2t65d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg02.

  Adding disk device c2t66d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg03.

  Adding disk device c2t67d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg04.

  Adding disk device c2t68d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg05.

  Adding disk device c2t69d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg06.

  Adding disk device c2t70d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg07.

  Adding disk device c2t80d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg08.

  Adding disk device c2t81d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg09.

  Adding disk device c2t82d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg10.

  Adding disk device c2t83d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg11.

  Adding disk device c2t84d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg12.

  Adding disk device c2t85d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg13.

  Adding disk device c2t86d0 to disk group raid5dg with disk
  name raid5dg14.

Add or initialize other disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)

4. # /opt/VRTSvmsa/bin/vmsa &

  Volume ±¸¼º...

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